i miss them so much. i want to cry but i don't find any reason for that except for the missing part. i don't hate 'em. never will i hate peoples i love. i love them, wanna give them happiness if i can. wanna give them everything i have. wanna share everything with them. wanna make and see them happy like us. wanna do everything to them. but they misunderstood me. they don't wanna listen to me. they think i'm not being honest. they have soo many wrong thoughts. i hate it. it'd been almost two month i didn't call them. i didn't talk about them. but now, i feel sooo missing. i miss them so much. what can i do to fix what has happened when they don't want to and how can i help them if they refuse?
herm..i think they dont hate you, just your thought, very hopefully give em call.