nevertheless, i had a happy holiday there. for the first day i feel a lil bit awkward since my mom in law is in Sarawak looking for my brother in law's wife (biras aku le tuh...tapi xtau apa lam engligh. heee). normally with my mom in law which i call mek (and pa in law (che')) is around so, most of the routines i just help. but since she is not around i was needed to cook. heee...maybe i seldom go back so che' cannot simply let me takeover mek's kitchen. but, after i proved that i can (heee...simple dishes but maybe delicious, is it?) he ask me to cook him acar labu. I never cook that before soo...jeng jeng jeng...i called my mekla...asking on the how to do. heee... ia made it. he eat it but maybe he miss mek so much, so he didn't eat too much. MAYBE...
on the third day which is the last day, i took photos of him and my hubby. and guess what, the next morning before we start our journey back to Johor, during the breakfast, he ask to take his photo. heee...sooo cute i think. i wonder i my hubby will look like hime one day... hehe...
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