Yesterday, in nasi lemak kopi O, they have exposed that Bodylift from Biodex contain CONTRL DRUG which can cause all the simptoms below. The follows are taken from one forum ( posted by syimma. Thanks to her also because yeterday i didn't hear it clearly. Thanks also to nasi lemak kopi O for the info.
All the symptoms are as below:
Psychiatric conditions as bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, serious depression or preexisting mania Patients with a history of or a predisposition to drug or alcohol abuse Hypersensitivity to the drug Patients below 18 years of age Concomitant treatment with a MAO inhibitor, antidepressant or other centrally active drugs, particularly other anoretics Hypertension that is not sufficiently controlled (caution in controlled hypertension) Existing pulmonary hypertension Existing damage on heart valves, coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, serious arrhythmias, previous myocardial infarction Stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) Closed angle glaucoma Seizure disorders Enlargement of the prostate gland with urinary retention (relative C.I.) Pheochromocytoma Pregnant and lactating women (relative C.I.)
kandungan sibutramine (dalam biodex ada kot tak silap)
Studies are ongoing into reports of sudden death, heart failure, renal failure and gastrointestinal problems
sebenarnya sibutramine ni diambil utk weightloss.. kalu makan ni..takleh amalkan makan lebih dari 100 hari bagi setiap 1 tahun Cheesy kekekeke cam duramine/adipex la..
tapi biodex tak cakap pon ..suruh minum bertahun2.. nanti pengsan kiok..
i ada kawan amik sibutramine.. dier makan 100 hari jer dalam 1 tahun.. sedar tak sedar dah 6 tahun dia makan.. :| hm... dok amalkan petua 100 hari tu la.. pastu dia dah stop laaaaaaaaaaaaama.. dah 6 tahun dah stop.. agaknya la... (tak ingat dulu dia ada cakap) by the way..umo dier 38 cam tu la..
dier aritu sakit la.. doktor kata ada masalah jantung.. doktor tanya dia. makan apa2 pil ke.. dia kata tak ada pon dalam masa terdekat..
doktor tanya dia ada amik weightloss pill tak.. dulu2.. 3-4 tahun lalu ker..
dia kata makan sibutramine..doktor terkejot..jadi kes la..supplier yang bekalkan sibutramine ni.. dier kata sibutramine tu kalu dah makan skali.. buat diet betol... terus stop! jangan dok buat on of on of..setiap tahun depend.. kalu makan ni kena cek ngan doktor selalu.. every 1 month..
malaysia bagus kan, dah tahu ubat ni tak bagus, dia dah ban awal2.. tapi tatau la sapa masokkan..
skali dah masok kat badan.. hm.. mmg boleh rosak badan..even tho dah stop lama..
doktor2 kata..kalu makan ubat2 cam ni.. kena betul2 jaga pemakanan, bukan tak makan sebab amik kesempatan atas tak lalu rasa makan..
end of last month i went back to my hubby's hometown. the plan is we will meet with my parents since they will come to kelantan for my cousin's engagement. but, they couldn't make it as my uncle (the first brother of my father) is in critical state. huuu...soo..sadd...i couldn't meet them...
nevertheless, i had a happy holiday there. for the first day i feel a lil bit awkward since my mom in law is in Sarawak looking for my brother in law's wife (biras aku le tuh...tapi xtau apa lam engligh. heee). normally with my mom in law which i call mek (and pa in law (che')) is around so, most of the routines i just help. but since she is not around i was needed to cook. heee...maybe i seldom go back so che' cannot simply let me takeover mek's kitchen. but, after i proved that i can (heee...simple dishes but maybe delicious, is it?) he ask me to cook him acar labu. I never cook that before soo...jeng jeng jeng...i called my mekla...asking on the how to do. heee... ia made it. he eat it but maybe he miss mek so much, so he didn't eat too much. MAYBE...
on the third day which is the last day, i took photos of him and my hubby. and guess what, the next morning before we start our journey back to Johor, during the breakfast, he ask to take his photo. heee...sooo cute i think. i wonder i my hubby will look like hime one day... hehe...
urrrgggghhhh...sooooo......hepi. now I can rest for a while.
hmmm..i don't wether i should feel happy or not. but i feel mind now feels very relieved. I can think clearer and I don't have to worry anymore bout that guy. untill today, he still don't know what to do. don't even know what his project is.
actually he is not stupid but he need to vhange his attitude (ewahhh...mcm bagus ja komen ttg org) but yes, he need to change his attitude. he cannot depend on other anymore if he want to success in any field. yes we do need others but not relying totally on others. the others existence is more like a catalyst (maybe) to support us, giving idea when we stuck or maybe guide us when we lost...and the MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO rely on ALLAH. ALLAH is the Great Almighty. He will help those who want to help himself/herself. (hmm..dah jadi penceramah bebas lak kat sini.
'language problem' is not really a problem. it is an excuses. lame excuses. come on laaa... you have been in Malaysia for almost two years, so you should know how to speak (if not in Malay, you are supposed to be better (if not best) in English). But if you don't want to overcome your problem, no one can help you. you will end up with nothing. hmmmm....whatever....
Hmm...lost spirit and motivasion, I always go to Saifulislam's blog. Reading the articles and trying to understand what is he trying to say (coz sometimes, my mind digest it slowly, so the understanding rate is low. need to read slowly again and again... Waiting for the experiment to finish, i found this article in the blog. old article actually but I think worth to share it.
Who is Behind the Quran? April 25th, 2008 | by Abu Saif |
“Quran this, Quran that, Quran blah blah..” Things people say about the Quran - it would never end.
Recently, a right-winged politician in Holland, Geert Wilders also wished to talk about the Quran. It manifested as a fitnah to the world, with his aptly titled movie, Fitna.
Those who wish to criticize, bash, defend and safeguard al-Quran would usually miss one important process. The process is agreed upon by everyone who speaks rationally and thinks with a sound mind, regardless of religion. I’m referring to the process of analyzing the authenticity of al-Quran.
In the discipline of history as a branch of social science, the process of analyzing the authenticity of a material has to be carried out first before it could be used as a reference in a research. Is the coin found really genuine, or just a fake? Was the text really written by that scholar, and is it truly the original text?
On the same ground, the process of editing and examining manuscripts requires at least three different copies of the same manuscript, so that comparisons can be made to ascertain the validity of the material being studied.
The point is, before debating or criticizing the Quran, one has to check first whether the Quran is genuine, authentic, or a fake.
It’s a simple logic.
“Hmm, I have to buy the A-Z London map book – I don’t want to be lost,” Ahmad said at the Heathrow airport. It was his first time in London.
He went to a bookstore to look for a map to guide him in London.
“Hmm.. printed in Bangalore!” Ahmad was surprised.
The glossy, comprehensive and cheap map in his hand is printed in Bangalore. A London map, printed in Bangalore!
“Oh dear, printed in 1985!” Ahmad exclaimed, even more bewildered.
A London map, printed in Bangalore, India, in 1985!
Would Ahmad buy the map to guide him in London? Obviously not. Ahmad has doubts over the authencity of the map. He wouldn’t use it, even if it were given to him for free.
He’s right. We shouldn’t use something with questionable authencity as a guide.
Let’s have a look at the Quran.
It was revealed in the Saudi Arabia.
Masya Allah. Is the Quran relevant to the issues in the Europe or in Malaysia?
The Quran was revealed not in 1985, but more than 1430 years ago!
Allahu Akbar! What would the Quran know about our situation now in 2008 when it has come to existence more than a millennium ago?
How convinced are we on the authenticity of the Quran?
This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah; [Al-Baqarah 2: 1-2]
The Quran introduced itself as a guide, for people with taqwa. But the catch is, there can be no doubt. Therefore it is a test not only to those who has not or does not believe in the Quran, but also to Muslims who claim to follow the Quran – where does his conviction to the authenticity of the Quran truly lies?
If a Muslim believes that the Quran is the word of Allah, the One and Only God, where is the evidence?
If a non-Muslim wants to refute the Quran, or talk about the Quran, to believe in it or otherwise, what are the reasons? If you choose to believe in it, what are the grounds?
Therefore, we have to actively choose to believe in the Qur’an, and not take it for granted or blindly inherit it. The question is, how do we then determine the authenticity of the Quran?
There are numerous ways that we can use to examine the Quran. Is it really the word of Allah, or just written by a human, or what?
To begin with, we can look at the linguistic aspect.
To those who learnt the Arabic language, try to recall our essays during the SRP/PMR period years ago…
“Hadhizi madrasati. Madrasati kabiratun, waasi’atun, mulawwanatun, jamilatun, mahbubatun…!”, congratulations – you’re deserve an A for that level. It could be embarrassing to read our own essays. The fluency of our Arabic language is so low then, as compared the later years that followed. The same applies to other languages.
But look at the Quran. Can we, from the linguistic aspect, differentiate between the ayahs revealed in year 1, and those revealed in year 23? Can we discern any linguistic discrepancies between Iqra’, Bismi Rabbikalladhee khalaq with Idhaa jaa’a nasrullaahi wal fath?
The language of the Quran is highly consistent. No language went through a mature and premature period within the span of 23 years.
Clearly, the consistency of the linguistic aspect of the Quran is impossible to achieve by any human being. No one can use such a high standard of a language as consistently as the Quran. Therefore it doesn’t make sense to attribute the Quran to any man at all, not even the experts of experts in their languages, because the linguistic consistency is above any human being. Verily, it is the language of the Divine. The Quran is not the words of a human. Not that of Muhammad. Truly, it is the God who have spoken in the Quran.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’aala.
But of course, to verify the genuineness of the Quran from this angle requires a strong command of the Arabic language.
When Aishah radhiyallahu’anha was slandered by the Munafiqs with zina accusation (the story of al-Ifk), Nabi Muhammad S.A.W and the rest of the Muslims lived in anguish. The Munafiqs were quick to spread the false story to defame Ummu al-Mu’mineen, what with the absence of her defense from the Quran. Had the Quran been the work of Muhammad, he would have written something to defend his wife in this time of dire need. But that is not so. When his wife was slandered, he was further tested by the absence of the Quran revelation that could help vindicate her. To a point that Muhammad himself kept looking up to the sky in waiting.
Because the Quran is the word of Allah. His Words. When Aishah was slandered, Allah had tested Muhammad S.A.W, Aishah and the Muslim ummah by ‘withholding’ the wahyu. Until finally Allah absolved Aishah from the slander and she regained her honour when the ayahs of Surah al-Noor (24: 1-26) were revealed.
The event was written in history, how Muhammad had no ability to influence the Quran, even at the most critical moment. He was merely a recipient from the Quran’s true source, that is the God – Allah Subhanu wa Ta’aala.
However, this story would certainly be deemed irrelevant by those who rejects the Muslim literature, in specific the Hadiths of Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
In looking for the truth about the Quran, that it contains the absolute truth, we may need a universal approach. A common language that can be accepted by anyone at all, with the faculty of the mind that differentiates man from animals.
Use mathematics and the probability theory that we all know.
We are aware that one of the many miracles of the Quran, is the presence of amazing scientific facts. So many scientific discoveries that took place this era, are clearly mentioned in the Quran, a text that had existed more than 1000 years ago, at a time when such scientific analysis was beyond man’s capability.
Where does this accurate facts come from then?
“Well… it could just be a lucky guess!” said those who has not or does not believe in the Quran.
Okay, let’s say we accept that the scientific facts in the Quran are lucky guesses, by the so-called ‘author’ Muhammad.
By using the probability theory, is it possible for Muhammad to make all these ‘lucky guesses’ in the Quran?
With a dice, what is the probability for us to get the number “3” in one throw? The answer is one sixth (1/6). Now, what is the probability we would get both number “3” in two consecutive throws? The answer is one sixth multiplied by one sixth which is one over thirty six (1/6 X 1/6 = 1/36).
Use the same theory to analyse scientific facts in the Quran. For example, there is an explanation on the sun and the moon in the Quran. If Muhammad were to take a guess as to whether the moon emits its own light or merely reflect the light emanating from another source, what is the probability for him to make the right pick?
In this case, the probability is one half (1/2). Either the light is from the moon or other source.
This is one scientific fact.
What about the other facts presented in the Quran? The question of whether the earth orbits around the sun, or the other way round, for instance. Or facts about the components that make up a human body. If each of these scientific facts in the Quran were all ‘lucky guesses’ of a man named Muhammad, what is the probability for Muhammad to be right in all his guesses?
1/2 X 1/6 X 1/25 X 1/78…. There’s a thousand scientific facts in the Quran, therefore the probability is 0.00000000007686443547657… but that’s not it, there’s actually more. In other words, it’s IMPOSSIBLE!
Yet, ALL the scientific facts in the Quran are perfectly accurate.
This implied that the Quran comes from one who knows about man and this world VERY WELL. The one who spoke in the Quran, is none other than the Creator of the world and man… the One and Only God, Allah… Allahu Akbar!
The probability theory can definitely be used in search for the conviction of the Quran.
We have to go back to the explanation in the Quran that its entire contents have been revealed as a guide (Huda). Therefore science in the Quran is meant to guide the mankind towards the truth. If science were claimed to be the indicator of truth, then use science to test the Quran.
Verily the biggest question to be answered by anyone who wishes to speak about the Quran is WHO IS IT BEHIND THE QURAN?
Is it really the word of God?
Is it conceivable to say that it is not?
If you found God in your quest for this answer, all your misunderstanding about the meanings of the Quran, is a proof of your own ignorance, rather than the imperfections of the Quran, because it is the word of Allah the Almighty.
Will ye not then understand? [Al-Anbiyaa’ 21 : 10]
don remember where i took this photo. Sorry to the owner. order to find solution for the guy, i get this emel from my friend. Thanks to her also for sending this email to me.
A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see and asked the students, 'How much do you think this glass weighs?'
'50 gms!'.... '100 gms!'...... '125 gms' ...... the students answered.
'I really don't know unless I weigh it,' said the professor, 'but, my question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?'
'Nothing' the students said.
'Ok! What would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?' the professor asked.
'Your arm would begin to ache', said one of the students.
'You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?'
'Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress and paralysis and have to go to hospital for sure!' ventured another student; and all the students laughed.
'Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?' asked the professor.
'Then what caused the arm ache and the muscle stress?' The students were puzzled.
'Put the glass down!' said one of the students.
'Exactly!' said the professor. 'Life's problems are something like this. Hold it for a few minutes in your head and they seem okay. Think of them for a long time and they begin to ache. Hold it even longer and they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything'.
'It's important to think of the challenges (problems) in your life, but EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is to have trust in Allah (swt) and to 'put them down' at the end of every day before you go to sleep. That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh and strong and can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way!'
So, as it becomes time for you to leave office today, Remember friend to 'PUT THE GLASS DOWN TODAY' and have tranquility by putting trust in Almighty Allah (swt).
Holy Quran: "He it is who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the believers that they might have more faith added to their faith".
(48:4) Tranquility is sign of strong faith while worries and stress is sign of weak faith.
Tell to your mind every day before you go to sleep:
"O soul that is at rest satisfied. Return to your Lord well-pleased (with Him), well-pleasing (Him). So, enter among My servants, and enter into my Paradise".
By worrying so much, do not turn your life to hell. Good luck.
Last month my boss appointed me to supervised one guy who is doing his dissertation project since I am supervising one undergraduate student (Malaysian) who is also doing the same project. The challenge is...that boy is taking everything in a very complicated and difficult way. So, every time he come to see me, his face is will look like a fiber. "" Hee...i don't know the exact word for serabut (can anybody tell me, tq). mmmmmmmm....can somebody help me on how can i help him? I pity him but I also feel like kicking him. hmm.....