i want to write something. i want it to be read by others and i really want and hope that this intention will become real. I like to learn and i think Mr Z already taught me a lot. through his blog and even directly last January. but still, i don know what am I supposed to write. what area that i am good at or best at? hm...niche niche niche. always niche the main problem. during the RO time, my boss always wants me to find my niche and ask to make bio sensor as my niche. the feels and interest is there anymore and i don know how to explain that. i like to do the research and i dream of becoming a good researcher. somehow, i lost the interest. i don't feel the satisfaction anymore. but now, doing what i am doing now, i feel very alive. learn and remember and use new words, find the synonyms and the meanings and apply it makes me feel soooooo indescribable, so aplomb. hee...sorry boss...