almost two years i become a wife. starting last sunday, i change myself to become a good wife. it is all beacuse of the book i read. the book " jangan bersedih, jadilah wanita yang paling bahagia" has change me and my mind setting. not drastically but it takes time. slowly i read the book and try to implement and last sunday, i set in my mind that
i need to change (not because i'm bad, but quite lagha lately),
i have to change and be somebody (yes, i am somebody but not good enough), so....tedeng!!!! i am changing and in the process of improving myself to be the best
with the help of Him. AMIN.................................... furthermore, i have the best hubby in the world i think (for me la...). others, others la.... heee.....
may Allah bless us (me and my hubby)..